Friday, July 08, 2005

Faith In Our Refuge

My LORD, my refuge and hope are in him!
The enemy seeks to take away that which the LORD has given.
Has he not performed miracles in our midst?
He has lain to rest our worries.
I will tell of his greatness though my mouth does not comprehend the words.

And what has instilled faith?
And how is our testimony of his glory increased?
Letting go of what was given, and realizing it was he who gave it.
Thus placing it back in his hands we were assured of success.

Making sure it was the LORD who had received our offering,
We went about with fasting and prayer, saying,
“LORD, let it be your desires that are fulfilled and not our own. What shall we gain by vanity? And where is your power exhibited in our own selfish will? Trials may tempt and cause us to lose footing but faith in you builds and provides a sure foundation. So we will stand on our faith in your sovereignty.”

Blessed LORD in whom your children have rest,
Glory unto your Name!

And let the weary find you, so that they also may know peace.

copyright 2005. travis marshall iv

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A Few More Proverbs

Better an air of diplomacy than the err of bluntness.

Unbelief is the victim of oppression and Disbelief is its oppressor.

To deny the actuality of temptation is to deny our own humanity. Similiarly, to deny God's power over such temptation is to deny the gift of our own spirituality.
copyright 2005. travis marshall iv