Monday, June 27, 2005

Blood That Brings Life

Blood is powerful within the body. Within it provides the means for life, though if tainted, will draw you to death’s door. There is nothing within the body that does not experience its supply of vitality. Furthermore the gift of blood is indeed the gift of life itself. It is written, “The life of the flesh is in the blood”. Is this not a foreshadow upon which one is called to perceive the blood-gift of Christ. Would it not then be reasonable to discern that the life of our spirit is in the blood of Christ? Was he not completely emptied of that which gave life to his flesh that we might be completely filled with his Spirit. He was covered from head to foot down a line of tainted creation, a curse, that is, sin. Though he himself was not subject to its power while being subjected to it. He was nonetheless robed that he might undo the power that oppressed by emptying it from the vessel that he embodied.

The scripture of old surely does hold the secret that was revealed by this act. Consider, what was the tent, but our flesh? Who was the high priest – upon whom was demanded perfection in the ceremony – but Jesus Christ? Also the sacrifice, which the high priest offered, was strictly enforced to be without any stigma and was emptied of its blood. The most holy place, was it not our soul that only the high priest and the perfect sacrifice could enter into? The ark of the covenant, the symbol of the very heart of our soul, that which perpetuates life. This ark of the covenant was a forerunner revealed saying, "This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you”. In it was contained a few curious objects: The commandments, which were once written on stone, but now are upon “tablets of flesh”. Aaron’s rod that budded foretelling of the “Living Branch” that would be “cut off”. The container of manna of which Christ personally declared “ I am the bread that came down from heaven” and again, “I am the bread of life”. Were all these not contained in that whose horns were sprinkled with the immaculate blood atoning for sin? Not forgetting the glory that dwelled so gloriously overwhelming within its confines, though itself could not be confined. What else? – But the preeminent mystery revealed by the onset of the Holy Spirit.
“To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests…to him be glory and power…”

copyright 2005. travis marshall iv