Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A Call for Study

It is said, "The Spirit searches the deep things of God". There are those who complain of the complexities of the word of God, they then refuse themselves the study of it. "these things are spirtually discerned", we are reminded. Would you go across rough, unfamiliar terrain alone? Would you refuse someone to lead you to the summit? You would soon perish, finding yourself in foreign waters! Do you not see your need? Will you be so stubborn? Call for the Guide and you shall be successful. Is it not his job to comprehend what you do not? He imparts understanding along the way, so that you may benefit and not himself. Will you continue to study the things that shall pass away while refusing to grasp the exquisite truths of those things that shall never expire? Let it not be so! Great truth is always profound, involving a continual renewal of itself in you. Do not boast that you have attained, yet rejoice in what has been revealed. "His way are higher than ours."
copyright 2005. travis marshall iv