Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Greater Mastery

Which is greater - knowledge or wisdom? To compare the two is to compare the past with the future. Knowledge is arrogant, wisdom is meek. Knowledge only knows what has been made known while wisdom is, in fact, what reveals. Knowledge can only see by sight, but wisdom sees by vision. Knowledge can only retain what has been, and wisdom guides what will yet be. Knowledge grows only from what is remembered, while wisdom springs forth from what has been experienced. To compare the two is to compare the creation to its Creator. There is no crossroad from the lesser to the greater, yet there is from the Most High to us.
What has been made known will not necessarily dictate true wisdom in its response. However, true wisdom will always dictate what has been made known. Knowledge is a road leading in two directions, infinitely. Goldly inspired wisdom is the guiding force producing the first step in the necessary direction.

copyright 2005. travis marshall iv